Inclusion Aspiration
Tergar Osel Ling and its mandala of organizations were established by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche to alleviate suffering and promote human flourishing.
We are a global sangha striving to create and maintain a community culture where all who wish to participate are respected, safe, deeply valued, and have a sense of belonging. This intention is in line with the teachings that we study and aspire to practice to the best of our ability. We also recognize that inclusion enriches us all, bringing a wide range of perspectives, experiences and capacities, whereas exclusion impoverishes us as individuals, in our local communities and as a global society.
All human beings share the same potential, yet we recognize there may be barriers to experiencing full belonging in Tergar as a spiritual community. These barriers may be social, physical, financial and cultural, or linked to language, ethnicity, nationality, racism, gender, abilities, and sexual orientation, or to historical and ongoing patterns of discrimination or inequality in many parts of the world. This list of examples may not cover all situations. However, it is meant to express the sincere aspiration and intention of Tergar to heartily welcome all those who wish to learn, practice, and work and to say that we are committed to learning how to be a welcoming home for all.