Tergar Charity Nepal

Social Engagement

Silhouette of person meditating inside a lotus flower and hands icon.

Tergar Charity Nepal was established in June 2018 by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche to serve remote Himalayan villages in Nepal. It is a charitable, non-governmental organization (NGO), working on: education, healthcare, and spiritual awareness projects. It works to  provide services to support and equip remote mountain communities with skills for better resilience, sustainable development, and social wellbeing. 

The aspiration is to preserve and conserve the unique Tibetan culture and Buddhist heritage of the area. Together with local communities they tap into indigenous and Buddhist knowledge and values to design projects that support human flourishing and innate well-being.

In 2023, Tergar Charity Nepal was awarded the prestigious Equator Prize, an initiative from the United Nations Development Programme.

The Equator Prize is “awarded biennially to recognize outstanding community efforts to reduce poverty through the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.”

To better serve local communities, Tergar Charity Nepal has since been divided into two separate entities working symbiotically: Tergar Charity Nepal and Himalayan Environment and Life Protection, H.E.L.P. 

Tergar Charity Nepal currently focuses on three areas:

  1. Education - Three kindergarten programs and a primary school in Gandaki Province, Nepal.

    • Prok Kindergarten

    • Sama Kindergarten

    • Gyayul Kindergarten

    • Nubri Basic School

  2. Healthcare - Healthcare camp- Biannual Intensive clinic 

  3. Spiritual Awareness - Meditation journey treks, and awareness teachings.

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