Tergar Institute
The Tergar Institute designs and implements immersive learning experiences in which people from around the world explore Buddhism in and through their lived experience. Rooted in traditional Buddhist literature and practices, the Institute aims to provide an understanding and set of skills that prepares participants for today’s world. Based in Mingyur Rinpoche’s transformative approach to learning, every offering at the Institute is contemplative, embodied, experiential, and engaged. The Institute embraces Buddhist literature as well as non-Buddhist fields of knowledge—such as cognitive and neuro sciences—in service of comprehensively viewing lived experience.
Tergar Institute will offer its inaugural Foundations of Buddhist Experience course beginning September, 2023, and release its full course offering by 2026. The Tergar Institute intends to offer a three-year, hybrid degree-granting program that blends immersion experiences at Osel Ling Monastery in Nepal with supportive online learning from a distance.